Visitor Management

How to control your workplace access points with a visitor sign-in system

Depending on the size of your business you may have multiple access points that people can enter and exit. Having them all managed individually can be a big task that in some cases could require unnecessary additional staff.

Fortunately, there are ways to keep this under control through a visitor sign-in system. You may wish to close off access points altogether to ensure visitors and staff come and go from one main entrance which can be monitored more effectively by smaller numbers of security staff, but without compromising on safety.

How can a sign-in system benefit access control?

A visitor sign-in system can benefit access control because it allows your business to track who is within your premises and why they’re present at your workplace. By understanding these two factors, a sign-in system can keep a close eye on who enters your workplace and where they entered from, so your business can act quickly if there is any unauthorised access within your building.

With our visitor sign-in system, individuals are provided with the option to confirm their attendance remotely, by signing in from the comfort of their own device.

Ensure to collect visitor information

When a visitor enters your building, it is important to know as much as you can about the visitor. Common areas of information to collect can consist of their name, contact details, when they entered the building, and how long they expect to be there for.

Having these details available, even for a short amount of time, your security team can quickly understand the reasons for their visit and if unauthorised, make decisions with haste before the visitor leaves.

Combine your safety systems

Your business should already have safety and security systems in place before you implement a visitor sign-in system. Combining your existing procedures with your newly adopted system can help your visitors feel more comfortable and welcomed by your business.

Through combining your safety systems together, it can also simplify access for different types of visitors, for example someone visiting your business for a meeting can be signed in and granted to different areas of your workplace based on their permission from existing security systems, whereas someone delivering parcels and packages can be handled much more efficiently and have only the access permission they need, without causing disruption.

Plan for emergencies

Regardless of how small or large a security risk may be, is vital to ensure visitors and staff are always safe. If you’re putting a security plan in place, it’s important to keep in mind visitors such as facility managers, who aren’t your employees but frequently visit the business, delivery drivers and other service providers who visit the business upon request, as well as guests attending meetings, so that they are aware of the evacuation plans.

Typically, the best way to ensure that employees and regular visitors are familiar with these protocols is by practicing your evacuation plan upon their arrival.

Implement a visitor sign-in system today

By putting a visitor sign-in system in place, you can better control your access points by knowing who enters your business, as well as their purpose. If you’re looking to adopt a visitor management system to help control your workplace access points, get in touch with our team today and we’ll do all we can to help.